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If you missed on on getting your hands on these reference photos through my Patreon membership in the past, have no fear, because you can get them here!! Join now to not miss out on getting exclusive monthly content going forward!!


July is National Bison Month!

Though the terms are often used interchangeably, buffalo and bison are distinct animals. Old World “true” buffalo (Cape buffalo and water buffalo) are native to Africa and Asia. Bison are found in North America and Europe. Both bison and buffalo are in the bovidae family, but the two are not closely related. Because the term "buffalo" is so ingrained in American culture and language, it's generally considered acceptable to use it when referring to bison, but best to be educated and call identify them correctly!

Bison have poor eyesight but a keen sense of smell. They appear slow and awkward but can outrun and outmaneuver most horses and mammals!! They are incredibly fast, can pivot on their hind feet and their front feet, and can jump over a fence with ease.

Although both males and females grow horns, their horns can be helpful when telling them apart. On a cow (female), the horn will be more C-shaped and slender when compared to a bull’s.

Craziest fact for me, is that they usually have a lifespan up to 25 years of age and start breeding at the age of 2!!! Can you imagine!?!

I am fortunate enough to see these incredible large creatures at Wild Florida Drive through Safari here in Central Florida but most are known to be seen around Yellowstone National Park!



Make a Splash and Cool Down with this variety of animals!

Many of you have heard of Shark Week" on the Discovery Channel. It runs annually for a week every summer, and it can be a highlight for nature lovers. This annual shark-themed programming week features coverage of the popular ocean predators, educational shark content, celebrity appearances, and more. However, how many of you know about SHARK CON that also features all of that? This two day convention is held in Tampa on July 13th - 14th!! I will be there set up with my photography products and more!!! I am THRILLED this year, because I actually got to swim with WILD SHARKS in Bimini last month! And YOU All get the first photos I'm releasing even before my prints are premiered, PLUS bonus photos I promised in another post!

Let's start off with some other incredible creatures that also are my favorites that are actually celebrated on the same day for some crazy reason!

JULY 14th is World ORCA Day, World CHIMPANZEE Day, & SHARK Awareness Day!!!

You will find the Orca photo in the Bonus photos, but here's some facts!


Despite their name, killer whales are actually a dolphin – the largest species of oceanic dolphin! Orca can be seen in every ocean on the earth. They are one of the most successful marine mammals in terms of range. The average life span of an orca is not too dissimilar to a human, at 50-80 years for females and slightly less for males at 29-60 years. The gorgeous large white eye patches actually protect the orcas' actual eyes by providing a false target for prey! The photo is of Trua at Sea World Orlando


Chimpanzees are one of our planet’s ‘great apes’, along with gorillas and orangutans. They have long arms that extend below their knees, short legs and black hair covering almost their entire body. The DNA of chimps and humans is 98.5% the same!!!! As a result, we share many similar features, such as expressive faces, big toes and hands that can grasp. We also show similar behaviors, and like us chimps laugh when playing, hug to show affection and are able to walk upright. This gorgeous chimp was a female at Busch Gardens in Tampa!


Shark bites on humans are rare and are often cases of misidentification due to low visibility, turbulent water, or humans being around their natural prey and splashing acting like a distressed animal. Overall, the likelihood of being bitten by a shark is incredibly low. In fact, you are far more likely to be bitten by a dog or even struck by lightning. Once a shark realizes you are not the food source it wants, it will let go and be on it's way. Think about it, you only hear of bites, not attacks or eaten by them!

Humans are sharks’ main predators. Each year, millions of sharks are legally harvested for consumption, die after being accidentally caught and released, or are killed by illegal fishing operations. I had the opportunity to swim with Reef (in photo), Black Nose, and Nurse Sharks and it was the most calming experience of my life. They are so misunderstood and do everything to really avoid humans. In a group of snorkelers they just swam all between us not even giving us a care in the world. I cannot wait to do even more dives!

July 15th - I LOVE HORSES DAY!

Well that statement is definitely true for me! However I didn't truly form a bond and connect with horses until after our really bad car accident in Dec of 2020. I suffered from severe PTSD and lost myself. I found a therapist that healed through Equine Therapy and I knew any kind of therapy with an animal was going to be the best for me. I never expected how much they actually would heal and teach me! I could go on and on about them, but I'll keep it short for now! This handsome fella at Peaceful Pastures Ranch was showing off his best hair flips to stay cool and thought epic reference photo for movement! Please visit the website and give or share if you can to help this amazing organization! They rescue and heal horses and humans, esp our Veterans!!


This day is to raise awareness about the dwindling numbers of the tiger. Global leaders focus on the tiger during meetings designed to promote a system for protecting and enhancing their natural habitat. This photo features a Malayan tiger at ZooTampa. Malayan tigers are the smallest subspecies in the Southeast Asian region. These majestic creatures are excellent swimmers that love the water and we have seen playing in multiple times! However this girl was enjoying a rest! I am thankful for the zoos efforts in protection and conservation of these tigers because sadly, it is estimated that there are only 250-340 Malayan tigers left in the world. They are classified as Critically endangered!!!

You will also see photos featuring Bottlenose and Spotted Dolphins this month!!! Quick fun fact: Young Atlantic Spotted dolphins do not have spots. As a result, they can look like slender bottlenose dolphins which we witnessed on our trip! Their distinctive spotted pattern starts to appear all over their bodies as they get older!! Easiest way to tell is the long slender beaks/rostrums!! The mother and baby you'll see in the bonus photos are bottlenose! ;)


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Please do not share my image to anyone else or post on social media! Really appreciate if you let them know where you got the photo, so they can join in on the fun on this Patreon channel as well!

If you create any artwork using my photography, please tag me at #dolphinsoul_creations and post in our Discord Channel! Absolutely love to see your work!! Thank you!


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    If you create any artwork using my photography, please tag me at #dolphinsoul_creations and post in our Discord Channel! Absolutely love to see your work!! Thank you!

Dolphin Soul Creations Logo - 2 Dolphins Jumping into a Wave over words
©Dolphin Soul Creations -Carissa Imel Photography



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Wildlife, Nature, Candid, Lifestyle
Photographer Central FL


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