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Dolphin Soul Creations Logo - 2 Dolphins Jumping into a Wave over words

If you missed on on getting your hands on these reference photos through my Patreon membership in the past, have no fear, because you can get them here!! Join now to not miss out on getting exclusive monthly content going forward!!


April is Ape Awareness Month!

Do you know what the difference between an ape and a monkey is?

Well, Monkeys have Tails! That is the easiest way to distinguish them!! So, no matter what your family tells you, we're closely related to apes, even though they think we act like a monkey! ;)

This beautiful soul is Sim, the silver back gorilla that I had the honor of getting to create a connection with!


April is full of color here in Florida has Spring has Sprung!! It is also full of fun animal days that I have highlighted in this months photo selection!


The Sandhill Crane and Zebra Longwing Butterfly were taken right in my own yard! I am very fortunate to live in an area where wildlife can flourish!


You know Spring means baby season and I wanted to feature the The Anole-Watusi mother and calf! The calf was only hours old and thought it was adorable, it's almost a complete copy of it's mother!


April 16th is Save the Elephant Day! I have featured a gorgeous African elephant after enjoying a sand bath! I usually hate to edit photos, but the background really took away from the gorgeous details of this beautiful elephant, so wanted to show off the best features, especially for creating art!


April 25th is World Penguin Day! This little fella is an African Penguin. Most people think cold temps for penguins, but these guys thrive in the heat and love to take a dip in the waters to cool off! If you look close at the photo, you can see the water drops where it just jumped out!



You may use these reference photos for PERSONAL USE ONLY to inspire you to create beautiful artwork or download for computer or phone wallpapers! Every photo is marked with Dolphin Soul Creations Watermark for protection. You may not professionally print or resell this design or use any part of it to create other designs for purchase. Please do not resell this file, share it or claim any items in this zip file as your own.


Please do not share my image to anyone else or post on social media! Really appreciate if you let them know where you got the photo, so they can join in on the fun on the Patreon channel and website as well!


If you create any artwork using my photography, please tag me at #dolphinsoul_creations and post in our Discord Channel! Absolutely love to see your work!! Thank you!


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  • You may use these reference photos for PERSONAL USE ONLY to inspire you to create beautiful artwork or download for computer or phone wallpapers! Every photo is marked with Dolphin Soul Creations Watermark for protection. You may not professionally print or resell this design or use any part of it to create other designs for purchase. Please do not resell this file, share it or claim any items in this zip file as your own.

    Please do not share my image to anyone else or post on social media! Really appreciate if you let them know where you got the photo, so they can join in on the fun on thePatreon channel and website as well!

    If you create any artwork using my photography, please tag me at #dolphinsoul_creations and post in our Discord Channel! Absolutely love to see your work!! Thank you!

Dolphin Soul Creations Logo - 2 Dolphins Jumping into a Wave over words
©Dolphin Soul Creations -Carissa Imel Photography



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Wildlife, Nature, Candid, Lifestyle
Photographer Central FL


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